
Keep dog in the apartment: What breeds are suitable?

Keep dog in the apartment: What breeds are suitable?

Keep dog in the apartment: What breeds are suitable?

Not every future dog owner owns a house with a large garden. But even if you live in a (rented) apartment, you do not have to do without a four-legged friend. However, there are dog breeds that are more suitable for apartment keeping than others and are particularly easy to care for.

Some dog owners claim that our animal companions are only happy when kept in a large house with a spacious garden. While the dog will be grateful for this extra run, it is not an argument to decide against the purchase in the end because of this.

For one thing, it also depends on how much the people who live in the household are occupied with their new pet – a large garden alone does not make a dog happy – and for another, there are many dog breeds that can be kept in the apartment and get along fine.

Apartment dogs: It is not always the size that counts

Small apartment, small dog? While this assumption is true for many breeds, not every mini dog is suitable for apartment keeping. Rather, it depends on the individual temperament, work drive and character of the animal. For example, a Chihuahua with a size that rarely exceeds 30 centimeters is small and compact, but its reputation for barking a lot precedes it. Also, its nervous and anxious nature does not necessarily qualify it as an apartment dog. In contrast, the Great Dane can be kept well indoors despite its stately size because it requires less exercise than some other dogs and has a calm and composed disposition.

In general, when buying, you should make sure that your new four-legged companion does not need too much exercise as an apartment dog, has a balanced temperament and barks little. Hunting and herding dogs such as German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters or Border Collies can only be kept indoors to a limited extent because they have so much energy in them. Walks alone are often not enough for them, so a house with a garden provides additional exercise for them.

Bulldog, Maltese and Pug – suitable dog breeds for apartment keeping.

Tolerant small dogs, also called beginner dogs, are usually very suitable for apartment keeping. Towards people they are friendly, calm and patient. It is enough for them to exercise outside once a day, if they have a person who accompanies them a lot in everyday life and additionally creates small games and employment opportunities in the apartment.

These so-called beginner dogs include breeds such as Bichon Frisé, French and English Bulldog, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Havanese, Pug or even the Poodle. The Maltese is also a dog that you can keep well in the apartment. Its coat makes it particularly suitable for this purpose: Because the Maltese has no undercoat, it is very easy to care for and does not shed much. The same applies to the Beagle and the Schnauzer.

Keep dog in the apartment: Employment is important

However, even if your apartment dog needs less exercise than other breeds, you should always remember that every four-legged friend needs his daily walk and exercise. Also, try to furnish the apartment in a dog-friendly and -appropriate way and provide him with plenty of activity.

It should not be too crowded, so that your cold-tempered friend has enough space to romp around. So you can create small hide-and-seek games in the apartment or throw your dog the stick or the ball sometimes in the closed room. Tip: Lay out carpets. This will muffle the sounds of paws and scratching claws. Your dog will also like it if he can look outside. Often a bench is enough, over which the animal reaches the window and looks out.



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