
Buy Wolfsspitz: Character of the fluffy dog breed

Buy Wolfsspitz: Character of the fluffy dog breed

Buy Wolfsspitz: Character of the fluffy dog breed

Not only pretty, but also extremely alert: the Wolfsspitz. A popular fluffy four-legged dog, which with its good-natured character is the ideal family companion.

If you like real fur-boys, you should definitely consider the cute Wolfsspitz with its considerable coat and bushy tail. Even if the name suggests it: his character does not at all resemble that of the “big bad wolf” from the fairy tale, but rather that of the affectionate “sheep” in wolf’s clothing. The Wolfsspitz gets its name only from its wolf-like gray coloring. He is a loving, loyal family dog who also has the safety of his favorite people in mind. After all, this breed was originally used as a guard dog.

Lovable Wolfhound: appearance and character

The Wolfsspitz’s impressive appearance, with its fluffy “lion’s mane” around its neck, and its outspoken courage favor its use as a guard dog. Remember to brush his coat from time to time. Otherwise, his soft coat and magnificent mane could become matted. The Wolfsspitz may even be underestimated sometimes because of its size. With a height at the withers of 49 cm, he is the largest among the otherwise quite small Spitz.

Due to his distinct protective instinct, he is rather suspicious of strangers. However, he is by no means aggressive. Even though the Spitz often have the reputation of being noisy dogs, this is usually due to a lack of education. The Wolfsspitz is quite easy to train and very docile. Here it is only necessary to press the right “buttons” and with a little perseverance, the four-legged friend can be wonderfully educated. The attentive and lively fur nose is also very affectionate and needs many, yes very many cuddles.

In which household does the Wolfsspitz belong?

The active Wolfsspitz fits best into a fun-loving family. Happy people who do a lot will make him happy. He does not need so much exercise – simple walks can satisfy his urge to move. Therefore, he is also an ideal companion for older people. The cuddly four-legged friend can also feel comfortable in an apartment, but a house with a garden is better. In general, the Wolfsspitz belongs to people who do not leave him alone too often and especially not for too long. He just wants to be there all the time, which his practical size makes possible well.

Fully employed people, who on top of that like to do something without their four-legged friend more often, will probably not do justice to the dog. He also likes to go out in wind and weather. His future mistress and/or master must be prepared for this. He definitely needs a break after long excursions, but this does not mean that he is unsporty. On the contrary: Thanks to his intelligence he is very well suited for dog sports like agility!

The Wolfsspitz brings so fast nothing from the rest. He even likes to have children in his family – Wolfi plays, romps and cuddles extensively with them. Other pets are usually accepted, as long as you socialize him gently and proceed with caution at first contact. Fortunately, you don’t have to break the hunting instinct from the handsome fellow, because he usually has almost none of it. In the Wolfsspitz you will find an affectionate and loyal companion.



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