
Diet for dogs with kidney problems

Diet for dogs with kidney problems

Diet for dogs with kidney problems

Especially older dogs often have kidney problems and then need a special diet. What exactly your four-legged friend needs, only the vet can tell you. But what you should basically pay attention to, you will learn here.

If dogs have kidney problems, they should eat as little phosphorus as possible. In addition, the diet should be easily digestible and the dog must drink enough.

Kidney problems in dogs: be careful with phosphorus

Phosphorus is found, for example, in bones, fish bones, offal, egg yolks and dairy products. You should therefore only feed these foods in small quantities if your dog suffers from kidney problems. You should also be careful with certain vegetables such as peas, artichokes, parsnips or broccoli and ask your vet for advice.

Salt or sodium should also be avoided in large amounts if dogs have kidney problems. Furthermore, salt can have a dehydrating effect, which is not healthy for dogs with kidney problems. You do not have to do without it completely, but especially with additional high blood pressure, the amount of salt should be reduced.

Dogs with kidney disease need easily digestible food

In order to provide your pet with all the nutrients he needs, his diet should still be varied, even if he has kidney problems. Above all, choose high-quality ingredients that are easy to digest and consider cooking the dog food yourself. Several small portions throughout the day will help the animal patient to better digest the food.

Adequate hydration is important, so your dog should always have a bowl of fresh water next to his food bowl. Dry food is not well suited for four-legged friends with kidney disease and should be avoided if possible.



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