
Dog liability: tips for taking out insurance

Dog liability: tips for taking out insurance

Dog liability: tips for taking out insurance

“He just wants to play!” – even though this may be true for many dogs, dog liability insurance is a requirement for dog ownership almost everywhere in Germany. Before you take out such insurance for your faithful companion, you should inform yourself well. Here are a few important tips.

Dog liability insurance is a state matter in Germany. In most federal states it is mandatory to insure the dog accordingly. Read more below.

Special regulations for certain dog breeds

Regardless of whether or not dog liability insurance is required by law for all breeds in your state, it makes sense to take out such insurance to protect yourself against the damage your dog can cause. This applies to the small Yorkshire Terrier as well as to larger specimens such as German Shepherds.

Last but not least, the focus is also on those breeds that are classified as so-called “fighting dogs”. For these listed four-legged friends you have to take out special policies. By the way, the same applies to dogs that are used as livestock. Dog liability is more expensive for such listed dogs than for other breeds. Find out exactly which special conditions apply here so as not to jeopardize your insurance coverage.

Tips: Which damages a dog liability should cover

With an unexpected bite in the calf of a passerby, however, even a small and supposedly harmless dog breed representative can cause some damage. In addition to property damage, every dog liability policy primarily covers damage caused by injury to third parties. Tip: Make sure to choose a sufficiently high coverage amount: If your dog causes a serious car accident, for example, property damage, treatment costs and claims for damages quickly add up to a high amount. You should therefore not save money unnecessarily in order to reduce your insurance premium. The usual coverage amounts are between three and five million euros.

You should also check whether your dog liability insurance covers you in the event of an “unintentional mating”. This protects you against claims for damages if your four-legged friend unintentionally helps a bitch in heat to have offspring.

Tip: If you often go on vacation abroad with your dog, you should also make sure that the insurance coverage does not expire when you cross the border.

Another tip: Be sure to compare dog liability insurance policies on the Internet before taking out one.

Insurance coverage for multiple owners
If your whole family takes care of the four-legged friend, you must not forget the following: Some insurance companies are only liable for damage caused by the dog to a specific dog owner.

Tip: Extend the protection of the dog liability insurance to all family members.

Likewise, you should note that the insurance coverage only applies to your own dog. If, for example, you walk a friend’s four-legged friend, your dog liability insurance will not cover any damage.

Tip: Ask the dog owner beforehand whether you are also insured in the event of an emergency.



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