
Dog license: what is it?

Dog license: what is it?

Dog license: what is it?

Many owners call a dog license their own. But what is actually behind this term, and what does the dog license do?

The dog license is a certificate of competence for you as a dog owner, with which you can show that you have special knowledge in dealing with animals. Furthermore, the animal driving license provides information that your dog is well trained and under control, so the pelt nose is neither a danger for other dogs nor people. Therefore, the dog license is often also titled as proof of obedience.

Dog license: Not compulsory, but useful

In Germany, a dog license is not mandatory. Still, there are some regulations in individual states in this country, which restrict the keeping of dogs unless you have a driver’s license. In Schleswig-Holstein, for example, you must have a dog license to keep a breed of dog classified as dangerous. In Hamburg, on the other hand, the law allows you to walk your dog without a leash if you have a dog license. In other countries, such as Switzerland, you must have a dog license to own a dog at all. Before you move, for example, if you want to acquire a dog for the first time, find out about the individual regulations in your district. This will save you any possible trouble.

This is checked with the dog license.

Generally, the dog license consists of three sections:

● Dog owner’s expertise: basic knowledge necessary for keeping, handling, and training dogs.
● Dog obedience: A close, trusting bond between a dog owner and dog results in the dog’s ability to control the dog owner in any situation or location.
● Social compatibility of the dog: appropriate, polite behavior of the dog owner with his dog in public and everyday situations. In this regard, the dog should present itself in a peaceful and socially acceptable manner and must not react unreasonably aggressively despite great distraction and heavy stress. The dog owner must have complete control in every situation.

Where to get a dog license

How to obtain a dog license varies from state to state. For example, certificates are issued by the German Kennel Club, the Professional Association of Certified Dog Schools, or the Professional Association of Dog Trainers and Behavior Consultants. In addition, chambers of veterinary surgeons also offer to acquire a certificate there. The acquisition of a dog license is usually connected with at least one practice test.



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