
Dog school for babies: find the right puppy playgroup

Dog school for babies: find the right puppy playgroup

Dog school for babies: find the right puppy playgroup

Dog schools are beneficial for puppies. The earlier the little ones are professionally educated, the more harmonious their life together will be. Read here what you should consider when looking for a puppy playgroup.

Attending a dog school means learning and hard work for the dog (and owner) and a lot of fun with other four-legged friends. In puppy playgroups, the cute four-legged friends contact other dogs, practice dealing with conflicts, and increase their self-confidence in this way.

In this way, the young savages gradually build up their character and learn to obey. However, before deciding on a dog school or a puppy playgroup, you should consider a few things.

Small puppy playgroups achieve higher learning effects.

The best puppy playgroups consist of a small circle. On the one hand, the young pups should not be overburdened initially. On the other hand, there is more time to devote to each animal. Puppy playgroups with less than six dogs are ideal.

Furthermore, the dogs in the puppy playgroup should be at approximately the same stage of development (roughly the same age and size). The breed of dog as such, however, does not matter.

Rest and play sessions are critical

Furthermore, inquire in advance about the rest periods in the puppy playgroup. Sufficient rest is essential for the development of puppies. Equally relevant are pure-play sessions away from educational measures, in which the little ones can do whatever they want.

Recommendations from friends and veterinarians

So, which dog school or puppy playgroup is right for your pet? Other dog owners can provide crucial tips to answer the question. Your veterinarian is also an excellent place to ask about various schools and groups’ training and quality standards. And, of course, you can gather information on the web. Are there any testimonials or references? It is best to test a group so that the four-legged friends can sniff each other out and then decide.



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