
Germanic bear dog: species-appropriate husbandry

Germanic bear dog: species-appropriate husbandry

Germanic bear dog: species-appropriate husbandry

A Germanic Bear Dog is not suitable for every household. Due to its imposing size, keeping it in the city is rather not recommended. A farm or a house with a large garden, on the other hand, is the purest paradise for this breed.

With a height at the withers of up to 85 centimeters, a Germanic Bear Dog is one of the very large dogs. Especially because of its size, a species-appropriate attitude for these gentle giants is a challenge. In concrete terms, this means that an animal of its size has no place in a city apartment.

Germanic Bear Dog: Perfect for families

A Germanic Bear Dog is a very family-oriented four-legged friend. He seeks closeness to humans and does not want to be separated from his master for too long. Among other things, this is due to the protective instinct that this dog breed has developed over many years. So plan enough time for him. The good-natured giant prefers to lie near his owners and watch what is going on. When he has his “herd” around him, all is right with the world for him. By the way, the prudent four-legged friend has something else going for him: he barks only very rarely and thus does not necessarily attract the attention of your neighbors, at least acoustically.

Species-appropriate attitude: The main thing is a lot of space

A Germanic Bear Dog also needs a lot of exercise. A large farm is ideal, but you can also keep the large four-legged friend in a spacious garden. If you can’t call a large garden your own, there should at least be a wooded area or a spacious meadow in the immediate vicinity, where a Germanic Bear Dog can really let off steam. In the city, however, this dog breed should not be kept. Because neither in a small apartment nor on the crowded streets of a big city, the large four-legged friend can develop properly.

Germanic Bear Dog: employment and dog sports

The Germanic Bear Dog is happy to have the opportunity to act out his protective instincts, for example as a guard dog for your house or property. Extended but relaxed walks will also do him good. In addition, you can try search games with him by hiding treats in the apartment or in the garden and help your dog to find them. Due to his size, not every dog sport is suitable for him – he would not have fun in agility training or dog dancing. However, many Germanic Bear Dogs like water and swimming – it’s easy on the joints and keeps them fit. Fetch games are equally suitable to keep your dog busy. Like many large dog breeds, a Germanic Bear Dog can also be enthusiastic about pulling dog sports. However, make sure that you start the training only when he is fully grown.



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