
Is it harmful to dogs to share a water bowl?

Is it harmful to dogs to share a water bowl?

Is it harmful to dogs to share a water bowl?

Especially when it is warm, restaurants and stores often have a water bowl available for dogs. Many four-legged friends take advantage of this offer. But can the animals fall ill if they share a bowl with other dogs?

A water bowl for dogs is a nice gesture in restaurants, beer gardens, and even the vet. But is it so good to let your pet drink from it, or is there possibly a risk of germs spreading through the bowl? After all, several dogs have usually had their tongues in them.

Are communal bowls harmful to health?

There is no danger for dogs as far as communal bowls are concerned. Provided the animals are healthy and not immunocompromised. “Dogs also drink from streams and puddles, and nothing happens,” explains Astrid Behr from the Federal Association of Practicing Veterinarians to “DPA.”

The U.S. veterinarian Dr. Eric Barchas also gives the all-clear on the portal “Dogster”: “It may seem very logical, but only a few communicable diseases are spread orally.” According to the expert, the water goes directly into the dog’s stomach, where germs have little chance because of the stomach acid. Contagious diseases are said to spread more often in other ways – for example, through the respiratory tract.

Better safe than sorry?

In case of doubt, however, dog owners should always first look in the communal bowl to determine whether the drinking water is also clean and not contaminated. It can also help to first ask in restaurants or at the vet when the water was last changed. It is best to change the water several times a day.



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