
Sleeping place: How to find your dog a peaceful sleep

Sleeping place: How to find your dog a peaceful sleep

Sleeping place: How to find your dog a peaceful sleep

There is no general recommendation for the right sleeping place for your dog. The choice depends mainly on the taste of the master and especially the four-legged friend. Nevertheless, some tips can help you find the perfect place to lie down.

Although you can influence your dog’s sleeping place with good education and the proper positioning of the dog basket for you, you should also consider his preferences and the species-appropriate attitude of your favorite. Because too much sun, drafts and Co. are harmful.

Tips for the right sleeping place for your dog

When looking for a cozy place to sleep, it depends on the preferences of your four-legged friend, but education also plays an important role. If you don’t want your dog to sleep in your bed or on the sofa with dirty paws, then he is not allowed to. If he is allowed to slumber with you on the bedspread at night as a small puppy, he will not understand if he is scolded as an adult dog or with dirty fur as soon as he wants to cuddle up to you.

The easiest way is to have your four-legged friend sleep on the floor from the beginning. To ensure that your dog is comfortable on the floor, the area should be protected from drafts and direct sunlight and equipped with a blanket for cuddling or a cozy dog bed. Tip: Older four-legged friends need a softer surface to save their old bones.

With the sleeping place, pay attention to the size.

If you decide on a dog basket or a dog pillow as a sleeping place for your friend on four paws, then you should make sure to get one in the appropriate size. Each breed needs different amounts of space. The scope should be adapted to your own Bello, therefore. Ask calmly for recommendations in specialized stores. Here you will be well advised.

The texture is also an important criterion: baskets made of willow or plastic have a solid bottom and give your dog a lot of support. Plastic is weatherproof and more accessible to clean than the natural material willow. A raised rim can better retain body heat, is extremely popular with many four-legged partners, and even offers health benefits. Your faithful companion will lie extraordinarily comfortable and padded and hardly gets lying calluses. So there is no lack of alternatives, for each four-legged friend can be found depending on the needs of the appropriate sleeping place plus equipment.

The most frequent mistakes with the choice of the sleeping place

Because the dog basket or blanket is not quite such a decorative sight, they are relegated by some dog owners to an extra room or a far corner. A mistake because the dog as a social being needs the proximity of his family. If he is expelled, he does not come to rest and tries to reintegrate into his “pack.”

But be careful: even a sleeping place in the middle of the room will not let your pelt-nose slumber in a relaxed way. It needs a retreat from which it can see everything but is not constantly disturbed by passing guests or playing children.



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