
What dog nutrition provides beautiful coat?

What dog nutrition provides beautiful coat?

What dog nutrition provides beautiful coat?

The coat of a dog is the mirror of the soul – and of health. A shiny, beautiful coat stands for vitality in a four-legged friend; dull, bad-looking fur, on the other hand, signals that something is wrong and that your pet may be ill. A healthy dog diet, among other things, is crucial for a beautiful coat.

One thing in advance: there can be various reasons why a dog has a bad coat. Diseases, too much UV radiation and just wrong dog nutrition or nutrient deficiency are the main factors. Fur changes are beyond that also age and season-dependent.

High-quality proteins for a shiny and beautiful coat

Basically, your dog should be fed a balanced diet of the best quality. Ready-made food cannot always meet these requirements and mistakes can also happen when barfening. Therefore, if in doubt, discuss the choice of the right food with your vet, especially if your dog has a dull coat despite care or seems sickly overall.

In order for your pet to get the necessary shine in his coat, you should especially make sure that he gets highly digestible protein such as muscle meat to eat in sufficient quantities. Dog fur is partly made up of protein – protein, that is. Therefore, it is important that high-quality protein is included in the dog food.

Essential amino and fatty acids provide healthy shine.

You can also supplement your dog’s diet with unsaturated fatty acids – ideally through high-quality oils such as fish or linseed oil. Linoleic acid can also be a shine accelerator for the coat. However, oil should always be supplemented in moderation; your veterinarian will be happy to advise you on this.

Vitamins, especially A and B vitamins, and minerals such as zinc also play a crucial role in coat quality. All nutrients must be taken in through the dog’s diet, as the body cannot produce them on its own – don’t cut corners here.



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