
Large breeds of dogs that do not shed: These are suitable

Large breeds of dogs that do not shed: These are suitable

Large breeds of dogs that do not shed: These are suitable

You have a pet hair allergy, but still do not want to give up a large four-legged friend? There are significantly more smaller dog than large dog breeds that do not shed. Nevertheless, the following popular larger dogs are considered so-called hypoallergenic breeds that do not shed as much fur in their environment.

Large dogs often shed large amounts of hair. Whether you’re allergic to dog hair or just bothered by it that way: Large dog breeds that don’t shed hair can help. But which animals lose less hair than others? The magic word here is: Undercoat – or the lack thereof. This means that the animals are not subject to a coat change and thus do not shed or hardly shed at all. Many allergy sufferers have had good experiences with these four-legged friends. But remember: There is never a guarantee.

These are large dog breeds that do not shed

A dog that was bred specifically for the needs of people with a dog hair allergy and is therefore considered hypoallergenic is the Labradoodle. This friendly fuzzy is a mixed breed of Poodle and Labrador. However, it gets its coat from the poodle: it is curly and has no undercoat, so the Labradoodle does not shed hair. You should brush and trim it regularly to keep it silky and healthy. These active family dogs belong to the large dog breeds that do not shed. In the following overview you will find other larger dog breeds that shed little to no hair:

  • Large Poodle
  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Komondor
  • Curly Coated Retriever
  • Lagotto Romagnolo
  • Airedale Terrier
  • Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican Naked Dog)

Water dogs: tips for allergy sufferers

Water dogs are also popular dogs for allergy sufferers – there are both Spanish and Portuguese. A very famous Portuguese Water Dog is Bo, the sweet four-legged friend of former US President Barack Obama and his family. Water dogs have a long history: they existed almost 1,000 years ago. They also have no undercoat – but unlike the Labradoodle, their fur should not be brushed, but only trimmed once or twice a year.



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