
Buy Maltese: Info about the character of the dog

Buy Maltese: Info about the character of the dog

Buy Maltese: Info about the character of the dog

Who wants to buy a Maltese, decides for a dog with a great character. The pretty little four-legged friend is sweet, calm, balanced and affectionate – simply the perfect family dog!

Without hunting instinct and equipped with a medium urge to move, there is hardly anything that can upset the Maltese. Unless his master does not have enough time for him, because he does not like that at all! If the dog breed gets a lot of love, species-appropriate care and attitude, as well as sufficient physical and mental activity, the Maltese feels really well.

Maltese: Dog with a particularly affectionate character

No wonder that the Maltese is particularly fond of senior citizens or families. The snow-white dog loves his owners and wants to spend as much time as possible near them. This should also be granted to him, because otherwise he will be unhappy. You should also not give him away to doggy daycare so often – if in doubt, your little friend would rather come to the office with you than stay with a dog sitter.

As affectionate and trusting as he is to his owners and people he knows, he is timid with strangers: it takes him a little while to take new people to his heart. A certain alertness goes along with his slight discomfort with strangers. But this does not mean that he is a yapper!

A few character traits of the Maltese at a glance:

  • Good-natured and gentle
  • Devoted and loyal
  • Active and lively
  • Intelligent and attentive
  • Docile and cuddly
  • Playful and carefree

A balanced, cuddly friend of children
A family with children gets a reliable and child-loving dog into the house with the Maltese. He likes to play with them and enjoys the cuddles from the youngest ones. Even though his character is very calm, he loves to romp in the garden and you can practice a few tricks with him there: There is certainly no lack of willingness to learn in this very smart animal!

Conversely, a Maltese may not be suitable for you if you have little time for him, travel a lot and often have to leave the little one in the care of friends or acquaintances. Even if the Maltese has a lively and active nature, he also needs his occasional rest periods, in which he simply relaxes – preferably in close proximity to his master.



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