
Hovawart: character and features

Hovawart: character and features

Hovawart: character and features

The Hovawart is considered a “surprise package” among the four-legged friends. Character and features of the dog are very multifaceted, due to the different breeds that have been crossed with him.

His temperament is not always the same: the Hovawart is sometimes sporty, sometimes calm and sometimes rather “stubborn”. He combines wonderfully strong qualities in himself, which were crossed in from several different breeds. In him are said to be qualities of the shepherd dog, Kuvacz, Newfoundland, mountain dog and the Leonberger. The crossbreeding was intended to produce a brave and clever “patron” for use, who would keep an eye on farms – and this has been quite successful.

Hovawart: The characteristics of the four-legged dog

The Hovawart is a real feast for the eyes with its long, slightly wavy coat and its aesthetic, powerful build. He is of medium size with a height at the withers of up to 70 centimeters and his coat is colored black, blond or black with blond markings. The light-colored specimens of this breed can have visual similarity with the Golden Retriever. Its robust body is adorned with a cute bushy tail. These four-legged friends are persistent and hardy. Hovawarts are exemplary guard and protection dogs, as these graceful fellows are also very brave, smart and willing to work.

The distinctive protective instinct is also reflected in the name of the breed: Hovawart comes from the Middle High German and means court guardian. Distrust of strangers is in his blood, which favors his activity as a guard since time immemorial. In this country, the Hovawart has been an officially recognized breed since 1937. It proves to be very resistant to diseases and has a life expectancy of about 12 years.

Characteristics of the Hovawart

This magnificent dog carries its characteristics with its head held high. In addition to his elegant appearance, he displays a self-confident, spirited demeanor. The Hovawart is alert, extremely intelligent and absolutely full of energy. Sporty and active people will find their equal on four paws. With good training, the Hovawart will become an affectionate, well-behaved and loyal companion. He is a good candidate to take the place as a family dog or best friend. When kept in a species-appropriate manner, the Hovawart is well-balanced, playful and there is hardly any hunting instinct in him. Due to his cuteness he is also suitable for various dog sports – they are even often a lot of fun for him.

Dog lovers quickly fall in love with this beauty. But even though it is charming: his strong character traits also give him a high degree of self-confidence and self-will. A particularly striking trait of the Hovawart is indeed his “stubbornness”. If he comes into the care of inexperienced and insecure dog owners, it can be difficult with the education.

Hovawart: education of the beautiful working dog

The beautiful elegant guardian should be trained in the education of a high danger stimulus threshold, so that it does not come to exaggerated territorial behavior. This is what the four-legged dog tends to do, especially in its own yard. His owner must be able to show him when his courage and fighting spirit are needed.

With poor socialization, walking can also become a challenge. Again, strong, influential but equally loving leadership is needed. Finally, for an important position such as guardian, the quadruped needs a respectful demeanor, which males in particular possess. This complicates the upbringing and handling of this breed for some.

Talk with the breeder

If you want a four-legged friend with very specific characteristics, talk extensively with the breeders about their breeding goals. Usually there is already a certain character direction, on which the dog breeders are aligned. In addition, the breeders should have made dog character tests with their animals.



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