
Teaching your dog to “give paw”: This is how it works.

Teaching your dog to "give paw": This is how it works.

Teaching your dog to “give paw”: This is how it works.

Do you want to teach your dog to “give paw”? Don’t worry, it’s not that difficult. What’s more, it’s useful: “Give paw” strengthens the bond or can be helpful when dealing with your dog at the vet. Read here how to teach your dog the classic greeting.

Most dogs learn to give paws pretty quickly. However, if your four-legged friend has arthritis or joint problems in the front legs, you should ask a vet if this movement is painful or otherwise counterproductive for your dog. Otherwise, you can practice this “trick” with any breed and at any age.

How to teach “give paw.” Stage one

Once your dog has mastered the “sit” command, the first step toward “giving paw” is done. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

● Make sure your furry friend focuses all of her attention on you.
Avoid any distractions or disturbances.

Teach “giving paw.” Step Two

Hold a treat with your hand. Kneel or sit in front of your dog, stretch the joy a small distance above his nose. If your best friend nibbles on the treat, continue to hold it. Only when your four-legged friend tries to bring your hand down with his paw do you react. Say “Give paw” loudly, praise your dog, and give him the treat directly.

Tip: Even small efforts should be rewarded. So if your dog lifts his paw just a little, you should also praise him.

How your dog learns to “give paw”: stage three

It won’t take long for your dog to associate “giving paw” with the appropriate paw movement. Keep it up for a while, rewarding the action with the treat. Eventually, the point will come when all you have to do is give the command: Your four-legged friend will provide you with his paw without any reward involved.

Tip: Hardly any dog likes to be held by the paw at the beginning. So give your faithful companion enough time to get used to it.



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