
What diet is suitable for dogs with epilepsy

What diet is suitable for dogs with epilepsy

What diet is suitable for dogs with epilepsy

The diet of dogs with epilepsy depends on whether it is the primary or secondary form. Basically, however, affected dogs need rest and as varied a diet as possible.

Various causes can be responsible for dogs suffering from epilepsy. The diet depends mainly on what triggers the seizures.

Differences in the diet for secondary and primary epilepsy?

Primary epilepsy is thought to be a congenital condition, but the causes are not yet clear beyond doubt. Secondary epilepsy occurs as a concomitant of metabolic disorders such as diabetes, injuries to the brain, and certain infectious diseases.

The primary form usually cannot be cured, so diet should serve to reduce seizures in addition to providing nutrients and variety. Artificial additives in dog food are suspected of triggering seizures. Although this has not been proven beyond doubt, it can’t hurt to avoid the additives as much as possible, for example by cooking the dog food yourself. In the secondary form, the diet depends on the underlying disease that triggered the epilepsy. Your veterinarian can help you here with appropriate tips.

What else dogs suffering from epilepsy need

In addition to a balanced diet and, if necessary, adapted to the underlying disease, dogs suffering from epilepsy need rest. Because the animal patients get seizures especially with too much stress, physical and mental overload, too much training, loud noises and other disturbing situations.

So make sure that your pet has his retreats, remains undisturbed while eating and is not exposed to changes and other stressful conditions so often.



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