
What is the reason if the dog barks all the time?

What is the reason if the dog barks all the time?

What is the reason if the dog barks all the time?

Whether in a rented apartment or outside, when a dog barks constantly, it’s not only unpleasant for the dog owner but also everyone in the immediate vicinity. You can read what could be behind the four-legged friend’s need to communicate here.

Someone rings the doorbell, or a fellow dog walks past the property – there are numerous reasons why a dog barks constantly. If you want to spare your nerves and those of your neighbors, you should quickly find out what animates the four-legged friend to his behavior. In addition, your dog can develop health problems – such as laryngitis – if he strains his vocal cords too much.

Dog barking: The breed is a very significant factor

Before acquiring a dog, every dog owner-to-be should inquire about the favored breed beforehand. Each quadruped has breed-typical, genetically predisposed characteristics. For example, some dogs naturally bark a lot. Their temperament is often due to their original use: A dog, whose function as a watchdog is in the blood, is accordingly loud. The slightest noises in the stairwell or harmless walkers passing by the yard are often enough. Even small dogs, such as the Spitz, usually have a pronounced territorial behavior and make noise to assert themselves against larger conspecifics or strangers. The Jack Russell Terrier and the Pug also tend to be among the more “talkative” dog breeds.

The characteristics of your four-legged friend and the environment should match. Dogs with a considerable urge to move are not well off in a small rented apartment and are rarely sufficiently busy—the result: constant barking. Of course, you can work on the behavior of your barking four-legged friend with the appropriate education and some training to bring success. You can find tips in our guidebook, “How to get your dog to stop barking all the time.” However, you can rely on calmer minds from the beginning. For example, the Labrador and Great Dane are pretty relaxed and, despite their size, are even suitable for apartment living – provided extended walks and species-appropriate activity.

Under challenge can be a reason for barking.

Not only the breed influences the behavior of a four-legged friend. Every dog can be under-challenged or want more attention. Loud, unwanted barking is then often the outlet for frustration. Reasons can be too little exercise, being alone too often and for too long, and too few activities for the little head. Find out as soon as possible what your beloved four-legged friend is missing for a balanced life. This is the only way to ensure a harmonious coexistence, and your neighbors will be happy too.

When the dog constantly barks out of fear

Fear is also a breed-independent cause of constant barking. If your four-legged friend does this when you leave the apartment or the house, excellent separation anxiety may be behind it. Also, bad experiences that your pelt-nose may have had in the past may tempt excessive barking and must be gentle, with the right, professional training to get out of the habit.



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