
Why dogs make great pets: 7 good reasons

Why dogs make great pets: 7 good reasons

Why dogs make great pets: 7 good reasons

We voluntarily form a long-term bond with them: Dogs. Four-legged friends accompany their owners for up to 16 years and bring them much joy. For a good reason, they are simply pets to fall in love with.

Dog lovers know at this point exactly why their darlings make good pets. If your furry bunny chewed up your shoes this morning and you’re understandably a little upset – here are seven good reasons to forgive her quickly:

Reason 1: Set up dogs

Everyone knows this: two people have the same interest or hobby, and a conversation ensues. But these two people have to meet first. Which place is better suited than the park? Many acquaintances have been made when walking, or even great love has been found. A quadruped only too often provides for the first contact and helps with the partner search. It isn’t good if one of our fellow men steps into the large business of our dog. Then it becomes probably rather no good conversation. Or nevertheless?

Reason 2: Dogs help

Lassie sends her regards: Dogs do not only save lives on television. Sniffer dogs also search in real life for narcotics and explosives, for example, or find buried survivors under the rubble as trained rescue dogs after an earthquake. A guide dog lovingly shows it’s master or mistress the way. In the countryside, a herding dog keeps the flock together, and a hunting dog reliably does its hard job at the side of a hunter. The dog has to be a favorite pet with such diversity and intelligence.

Reason 3: Move dogs

While some hang out on the couch at home, it’s: up for dog parents! Off to the outside, Wauwi must times. This may not always be nice, especially in wind and weather. But it keeps you fit! You don’t only get exercise with a four-legged friend when you go for a walk: Most dog breeds are suitable for various dog sports, and as riding companion dogs, some four-legged friends make a good figure next to the beloved horse.

Reason 4: Protect dogs

It is simple: We feel much safer with our four-legged friend next to the bed or in front of our door. And one thing is sure: a dog would give his life for his dearest people. Sometimes it is enough to scare away unwanted visitors … But shhh!

Reason 5: Dogs communicate

… in their way. A dog whistles, barks, wags his tail, or growls. Most of the time, the owner understands what Bello wants. Whereby exceedingly good-hearted dog owners have to watch out: If Bello once again puts on the puppy-dog look while eating because he wants to dust something off, you have to stay firm. Otherwise, the following point is challenging.

Reason 6: Dogs are trainable

“Sit,” “down,” “give paw,” “fetch the ball”: these commands and many more can be learned by the docile four-legged friend. Important in dog training are clear rules, which must be conveyed by the owner in a dog-friendly manner and consistency. The practice begins early in the puppy age. A possibility to form and socialize small dogs is the puppy playgroup. Larger dogs learn new things in dog school or with a dog trainer. You can find more on this topic in our “Dog training” section.

Reason 7: Dogs show affection

A dog is a family member, playmate, friend, cuddle partner, and listener (even if Bello may not always directly understand what his mistress or master is telling him). It is quite a lot that we humans impose on our four-legged friends. Nevertheless, we always have the feeling that they like to do it. Hach, and how nice it is to come home and be expected by the big or small whirlwind joyfully. One is pleased even about the slobbering in the face if the quadrupeds give dog kisses.



Cute and funny, info and tips about dogs, cats and other animals. Great pictures and funny videos from the animal world. Your animals on hzoes.com

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