
The dog has a warm nose: Is the quadruped sick?

The dog has a warm nose: Is the quadruped sick?

The dog has a warm nose: Is the quadruped sick?

The nose is a vital and powerful sensory organ for the dog. However, a dry, warm nose in a dog is atypical, as the organ is usually cold and moist in a healthy state. When a dry nose in dogs is not a problem, and when it indicates disease, you can read it here.

According to popular myth, if the nose is moist, the dog is healthy. In part, this is also true. But do not panic: Your four-legged friend is not always sick when his dog nose is warm.

Causes for warm dog nose in healthy animals
Most of the causes for a dry dog nose are commonplace, so it can happen now and then that your four-legged friend does not have a moist, cold nose as usual. If this condition lasts only for a short period, such as a few hours, it is usually ultimately harmless. In most cases, external circumstances or environmental influences are to blame. These include:

dry room air (often the case in winter)
dog lies or played too long at a heat source like heater or fireplace
Physical exertion (dogs sweat through the nose, among other places, so that it can be warm or cold depending on the physical activity)
Lack of fluids (especially in summer, you should pay attention to drinking)

Is dog nose dry and warm? Watch out for additional symptoms!

Can you exclude the causes mentioned above? The following symptoms in combination with a warm or dry muzzle often indicate a disease:

Weakness and fatigue
Loss of appetite
Non-transparent nasal secretions
Foaming nasal secretion
Your dog has a warm nose and sleeps a lot? Or the nasal secretion is yellowish or green and viscous? Then take your furry friend to the vet immediately! In addition, you should ensure an increased fluid intake.

Does the condition last longer?

If the dog’s nose is dry and warm for several days, but the four-legged friend shows no other symptoms, you should still visit a veterinarian with your furry nose. Because: If the condition is permanent, the nose can become cracked. This is associated with pain for your dog. The veterinarian can examine your four-legged friend and clarify possible causes. In addition, he will initiate treatment if necessary so that your pet feels better again quickly.



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